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2022 Green Goose Chase - Oh what fun!

Updated: May 24, 2022

WOW! What an amazing 2nd year for the Green Goose Chase. We knew the fun and excitement last year brought, but we were EGGstra excited planning this year's game as we had even more fun and sustainability up our feathery sleeves.

In the early stages of planning, we knew we had the opportunity to make this year's game bigger and better. We were lucky to receive a mini-grant from the La Crosse Community Foundation which furthered those opportunities bringing new elements to the game including Early Bird Missions, Earth Fair Mini-Missions, a Team Celebration Event and awards. Better yet, the grant allowed us to provide this game for a second year free to play for all Teams.

Speaking of teams, 2022 brought out a fuller flock. From families to friends and coworkers to classmates, teams came in all shapes and sizes. We saw more than a 50% increase in total team sign ups, a 70% increase in active teams and a nearly 45% increase in submissions! Take that 2021!

If you didn't play, you might be wondering what is the Green Goose Chase? Well, the best way to explain it is that the Green Goose Chase is a mission-based scavenger hunt where teams accrue points by texting in answers, submitting photos & videos, and heading to specific locations to obtain a GPS location tag all through an app on a smart phone or device. We took the extra step by making each of these missions relate back to a Good Life Goal. Teams get the opportunity to experience local sustainability efforts, explore nature, learn about the good life goals and have fun together.

A new year also brought NEW missions. The 2022 Green Goose Chase boasted over 40 missions. One thing we LOVE about the Green Goose Chase is the ability to further our mission to celebrate local sustainability. That means getting teams to head out to other organizations and locations doing good work. One of the new missions for 2022 included a goose hunt at the public library. Teams reported how much fun they had hunting amongst the books and "honking" at the librarians. Wondering what a mission looks like? Read one of the 2022 missions below.


Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover.

Good Life Goal 4: Learn & Teach

Libraries are more than just books…..they are places of information that promote literacy along with building community and providing access for all. Promoting literacy and having equitable access to information and knowledge is essential for a thriving and resilient community.

The La Crosse Public Library was established in 1888 and serves the citizens of the entire Coulee Region. In addition to materials like books, dvds, and archives, the library also hosts a variety of events and community services including youth & adult story times, technology & skills development classes, book clubs, movies, computer access, and more!

Head to La Crosse Public Library Main and dig amongst the books to find what three books the Green Goose is checking out. Text in your answer. Make sure to enter each title in a row separated by commas. Need a hint of where to look? Head to the front desk and give the code word “HONK” for some direction.

Traveling? Consider using public transportation like the City of La Crosse MTU bus, carpooling, biking or walking if possible.


Another thing we love is watching all of the amazing posts from teams throughout the week. We heard from MANY teams how watching the dashboard fill with submissions gave them excitement and inspiration to do and learn more. The submissions for 2022 got even better and BIGGER with teams taking their creativity to the MAX. Check out just a few of the amazing submissions from 2022.

This year we also introduced Earth Fair Mini-Missions that happened during the Earth Fair in Myrick Park. It was great after 3 years to finally be back in the park celebrating Earth Day together. It was equally wonderful to see and meet many of the teams who had been completing missions all week. Teams headed out for a mini scavenger hunt around the Earth Fair collecting letters and learning from various booths. We were also able to engage with people who hadn't played during the week, giving them a little taste of the Green Goose Chase by inviting them to do the Earth Fair Mini-Missions. Those teams that completed the Earth Fair Mini-Missions were entered to win either a Local Goods Prize Pack or a youth bike donated by Smith's Bike Shop.

We ended the Green Goose Chase flying high with a Team Celebration in Myrick Park during the Earth Fair. Lots of teams showed up to hear the recaps, see our EGGY Trophy Winners and watch our prize drawings. We couldn't be more grateful and thankful for all the teams, community partner organizations, prize donors, and the La Crosse Community Foundation that made this year a HUGE success. Until next year....HONK!


Earth Fair Mini-Mission Winning Teams - Random Draw

Earth Fair Mini Mission - Smith's Bike - Anthony Jones

Earth Fair Mini Mission - Local Goods Prize Pack - FamilyDavis

2,000+ Points Team Prize Drawing - Random Draw

$150 Fayze's Giftcard - The Green Team

Hummingbird Feeder Kit & Finnottes Nuts - Amazing Cheeseheads

Raised Garden Bed - SchroederDominators

Local Goods Prize Pack - FSPA_EcoPact_701

Local Goods Prize Pack - Duck & Co.

$100 Trees Today Giftcard - FamilyDavis

A special thank you to this year's prize & celebration event donors!

If you are a community organization that would like to highlight your sustainability work or have a mission idea for next year’s event, please send them our way at



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